Hello lovely blog readers,
I am happy to say sister Hannah has arrived in North Carolina. Last night I got to go get her from the airport! We are going to enjoy her spring break and birthday, and I'm very excited. Dan has been gone for a few weeks so it is even MORE fun to have someone visiting and in my house! Dan will be home mid week and get to see Hannah too and celebrate her birthday so its going to work out great!
Below I posted my 2 completed projects from my new embroidery adventure. I am excited to start my next project. It is fun to just to a doodle that seems simple but becomes transformed with colors, different stitched and technique. I am on a spring vibe right now.
Springing Floral |
Honey Bunny |
This past Thursday was a wonderful video lesson from Beth Moore at bible study. I would like to write out what I am learning but need to go back and soak up the info. I think between something my pastor said a few weeks ago and this study I am learning something new. But I do want to post a quote from Beth Moore from one of the days devos.
The following quote is about James 1:27 to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
"James wrote for people serving activly, openly, and humbly right in its thick, pungent pollution. So, how on earth do we serve in it without smelling like it? With serious discipline and determination, that's how. With courage and deep conviction. With a large daily dose of the Holy Ghost, as my girlfriend says. You dont live this kind of life accidentally. You make up your mind who you want to be and daily die to the rest. You surrender yourself to living in the tension where you'll always be stretched and often be broken. Religion pure and undefild is grit without the grime. You accept that far easier ways exist, but you were born for nothing less." From Beth Moore, James Mercy Triumphs Bible Study pg. 86
I challenge you to pick that powerful quote apart! I hope it encourages you in big ways like it has me.
from my livingroom to yours,
erika hallbeck