Hello blog readers,
Today is speak the truth to myself day!
The lie: You have no gifts, and you aren't really that creative
Truth: The creator of all things has placed specific gifts in my life, I have seen him be creative through me! I do not make my self creative but the LORD does that.
The lie: I have nothing encouraging to say to anyone
Truth: First off where in the WORLD did that come from! yuck! We as children of God are created to encourage one another! We are being built for it better each day. Also I am a living testimony to the great work of God. I have encouraging things to say! I have the word and works of God to share.
The lie: You are not good enough at any one thing to be able to make an impact or fulfill dreams.
Truth!: God is good enough! He has all the power I will ever need, all the strength and might! The Holy Spirit works in me and through me. I am Gods, I was created by him and for him. To work for my Lord in however he calls me, he who calls me is FAITHFUL to complete it! It is not on my shoulders to carry.
There, much better. I needed to get those things out! blah! I pray for both you and me right now that the truths and promises of God will be clear to us today. That the things he has told us we will hold on to, and put all other things we hear up to the light of what God has told us. I pray that if any of the above lies hit you today you can speak out what you know is true. It is crazy to me that I can walk in lies as powerful as the ones above and not notice it RIGHT away. I pray I am quick to notice these next time they come, as ugly as they are they should be easy to see.
much love you to today,
mrs. erika hallbeck, a woman made by and for the Lord, and that is saying something! Thank you Jesus that we can all say that truth over our lives today!